SAILING A CATAMARAN Newport to Annapolis Via NYC - A DREAM TRIP | Harbors Unknown Ep. 47

This week we're sailing our catamaran under the Newport bridge for the last time for the foreseeable future. Taking with us sweet memories of friends, new and old, and experiences we’ll treasure for a lifetime. Forging a new path ahead, to the Annapolis Sailboat Show where we’ll share Wanderlust with thousands of people, and participate in the YouTube Sailing Channel booth to connect with the sailing community. But before the show we have quite a few boat projects to tackle and we’re scheduled to haul the boat in just one week. Our autopilot did not arrive in Newport as planned so we’re hand steering and will stop each night to rest. We planned to sail up Long Island Sound to the East River through New York City then make our way down to the Delaware Bay and through the C&D Canal to the Chesapeake. Timing is tight so fingers crossed we’ll make it in time.

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Annapolis Sailboat Show - Sailing with Cruising World for Boat of the Year | Harbors Unknown Ep 48


DON'T DO THIS When Planning a Sailing Passage on a Catamaran | Harbors Unknown Ep. 46