Harbors Unknown is the story of two dreamers, Kristin and Fabio Potenti, and our
Bulldog Yoda.
We sold our home at the beginning of the pandemic (May 27th, 2020) and moved aboard our Seawind 1600 catamaran, Wanderlust, in September. We’re documenting our transition to boat life as live aboard sailors, sharing our learnings, adventures and delicious meals cooked on board. We’re sailing to Harbors Unknown, exploring the world’s vast cultures through food, a common thread amongst people everywhere. Connecting with people and places through the local cuisine, and showing how those dishes can be cooked on a boat with limited space and resources. We hope to inspire people and showcase the possibility of living an alternative lifestyle that provides freedom and fulfillment.
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A place to connect with kindred spirits, hopeless romantics, in love with a sustainable life of adventure, lived on the sea.