Boat Life, Boat Maintenance, Boat Repairs Kristin Potenti Boat Life, Boat Maintenance, Boat Repairs Kristin Potenti

JUST LIKE NEW! Completing Boat Maintenance & Repairs on Our 2 YO PERFORMANCE SAILING CATAMARAN Ep 74

This week the boat work continues at Linton Bay Marina in Panama. We have a few projects to wrap up, most importantly the work on our rudders and their cases. As usual we encounter a couple hurdles. Join us as we put our boat back together and try to get her floating again!

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Boat Life, Boat Maintenance, Boat Repair Kristin Potenti Boat Life, Boat Maintenance, Boat Repair Kristin Potenti

BOAT LIFE on the Hard - Maintenance + Repairs of a 2 YO Performance SAILING CATAMARAN | Ep. 73

Join us this week in Linton Bay, Panama as Wanderlust is hauled out of the water for some much needed TLC. If you’re curious what kind of maintenance a 2 yo performance sailing catamaran needs, this one is for you! This period has also given us time to reflect a bit and we shared a bit of our introspection in this episode.

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Boat Life, Travel, Panama Kristin Potenti Boat Life, Travel, Panama Kristin Potenti

BOAT LIFE CONFESSIONS: Finding Purpose in Sailing - Harbors Unknown | Ep. 72

Sailing is our means of transportation and the boat our platform from which to explore. We are now travelers, not tourists. Witnesses to different cultures, ways of living, eating, working and playing. Attempting to understand what makes the world tick and tock but also trying to gain a deeper comprehension of ourselves and identify what will satisfy that hunger for further exploration.

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Overcoming our BIGGEST #boatlife CHALLENGE Yet to Continue Sailing to Panama | Harbors Unknown Ep 71

We should be sailing right now but instead we are in Great Inagua, the southernmost island in the Bahamas, attempting to fix the headboard on our main sail so we can continue our passage to Panama, where we need to arrive by June 1st, before the start of hurricane season, as mandated by our insurance.

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Bahamas Kristin Potenti Bahamas Kristin Potenti

BOAT LIFE - Will We Ever Be Able to LIVE FROM THE SEA??? | Harbors Unknown Ep. 65

We are continuing our quest to live from the sea but are starting to wonder if that’s possible! Thirty cays make up the Berry Islands, dangling like a cluster of fruit along the eastern edge of the Great Bahama Bank. Unspoiled, serene and mostly uninhabited, they are known for white-sand beaches, palm-fringed shores, blue holes, and near some islands, prolific fishing grounds. Join us for an escape to this idyllic paradise.

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Bahamas, Sailing the Bahamas, Diving Kristin Potenti Bahamas, Sailing the Bahamas, Diving Kristin Potenti

SAILING to the Most VIBRANT REEF in the Bahamas (We Hope) Where the Fish Hunt Continues Ep. 62

The Great Guana Cay reef was once recognized as one of the best dive sites in the world so we’re sailing from Elbow Cay north to Great Guana Cay to check it out. We’ve heard it may not be as pristine as it once was, but we’re eager to find out for ourselves and of course hunt for fish.

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Sailing, Sailing the Bahamas, Bahamas Kristin Potenti Sailing, Sailing the Bahamas, Bahamas Kristin Potenti

BOAT LIFE in the BAHAMAS - SAILING, DIVING + Exploring the Central Abacos | Harbors Unknown Ep. 61

We’re sailing further south into the central stretch of the Abacos in the Bahamas, looking for cute Bahamian towns and beautiful reefs for admiring and hunting for fish. To avoid shallow shifting sands and shoaling in the Sea of Abaco we have to traverse the notorious Whale Cay Cut, known for swells and Abaco rage sea conditions, if the trip isn’t timed properly. Join us to see what happens.

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Sailing, Sailing the Bahamas, Bahamas Kristin Potenti Sailing, Sailing the Bahamas, Bahamas Kristin Potenti

Can a CATAMARAN Really SAIL UPWIND?? (Even With HOLES in the SAIL) | Harbors Unknown Ep. 60

We are sailing to the Abacos in the Bahamas! We've got great wind, but it's a bit tricky because it's coming pretty much from where we want to go. So we need to sail upwind in the narrow Sea of Abaco in our catamaran. Join us as we navigate these waters and dive the reef off Green Turtle Cay.

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Sailing, Sailing the Bahamas Kristin Potenti Sailing, Sailing the Bahamas Kristin Potenti

SAILING Again! Plus a SURPRISE AT SEA on Our Way to the Bahamas | Harbors Unknown Ep. 59

Last time we left off we were troubleshooting an issue with our autopilot. Thanks to some viewers, Chris from Just Catamarans, and Fabio’s persistence, we adjusted some settings and it appeared to be working. So we decided to take a leap of faith, leave for the Bahamas and handle whatever repairs are needed along the way.

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Boat Life, Boat Maintenance Kristin Potenti Boat Life, Boat Maintenance Kristin Potenti

SO CLOSE Yet So Far From SAILING AWAY | Harbors Unknown Ep. 57

We are SO CLOSE yet so far from sailing off into the sunset. This week we continue tackling projects like inspecting the mast, Gori folding propellers and figure out how to get our life raft into the storage locker under the boat. Join us as we get a little bit closer to GO time and plan our sea trial and weather window for departure.

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